Ways To Get Skinny Fast
People want to lose weight for different reasons: some want a healthier lifestyle while some just want to look better. This post will give you ways to get skinny fast, but before anything else, it’s important that you calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI), to find out if your weight is proportional to your height. The normal (i.e. healthy) BMI ranges from 18.5 to 24.9, and if your BMI is or higher that means that you’re overweight.

Losing weight isn’t easy, although there are a lot of diet fads or diet supplements that claim that it can be done without making any changes in your eating habits and lifestyle. You can do a background check on these supplements by checking the Federal Trade Commission website, which lists sketchy diet supplements. You should also avoid diets that completely eliminate a food group or focus on just one food group, because your body needs all sorts of nutrients to function normally. Fad diets and dietary supplements are usually just scams, but there are ways to get skinny fast. It’s important to remember though, that it isn’t possible to lose 5 pounds overnight, but if you follow these steps you’re guaranteed to lose weight and keep it off.

Exercise is an important aspect of weight loss. Now this doesn’t necessarily mean hitting the gym every week, it just means that you have to keep moving. Walk or take the stairs whenever possible, and simply doing household chores can help. Similarly, it’s important to keep your hands busy when you’re just sitting around or watching TV—take up a hobby like knitting or sewing, activities you can do in front of the TV that’ll keep your hands too busy to put food in your mouth. A lot of weight gain stems from excessive snacking, and little tricks like these are ways to get skinny fast and to prevent any more unwanted weight gain.

Studies have also shown that sleep helps you lose weight—you burn more calories when you’re sleeping than when you’re watching TV, and getting a good night’s sleep prevents us from making bad food choices when we wake up. Sleep also gives us enough energy to exercise or move around without the need for energy drinks, which are packed with sugar and calories.

It’s also important to regularly cleanse and detoxify your body. Among the many ways to get skinny fast, this is the most crucial in losing and keeping the weight off, since it rids the body of harmful impurities like insecticides, pesticides, and other chemicals that get sprayed on the food we eat. Our bodies react to these chemicals by coating them with layers of fat, which is unhealthy and keeps our body from functioning at its best. Cleansing not only helps you lose and keep off weight by allowing your body to burn calories faster and speeds up your metabolism; it also gives you a better complexion and gives you greater mental focus.

The following posts will talk about the type of food and lifestyle changes that you will need to do if you want to lose weight in a healthy and effective way.

    Sandra Cooper


    Hi, my name is Sandra Cooper and at 35 I have been struggling with my weight for most of my life.  Here is my Blog that I hope will help anybody looking for ways to lose weight to do so quickly, easily and most importantly healthily.


    November 2010


    Weight Loss

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